
The PPLA advocates for legislative and regulatory change to ensure the continued use of printed pharmaceutical literature. With regular Capitol Hill day visits, the PPLA stays in close communication with the legislative branch. Additionally, we testify at public hearings and provide information to strategic partners and the public.

The PPLA platform does not oppose making labeling content for package inserts, medication guides and patient package inserts available electronically, particularly since it is already available in that format. What we do oppose is making the information available ONLY electronically and eliminating paper because:

  • Electronic information is not available to everyone
  • Sometimes electronic information is not available to anyone (power outages, natural or manmade disasters)
  • Patients prefer information on paper, and comprehend that information better
  • The law requires paper information that is manufacturer supplied and FDA approved

The PPLA is dedicated to advocating for federal policies that promote patient safety with printed literature.

Ways To Get Involved

Here’s how you can help improve access to scientific information for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals:

  1. Ask for information from your caregivers and your pharmacist – the more you know, the more you can be involved in healthcare for yourself and your family and friends. Ask your pharmacist for a copy of the Package Insert – they will usually have a paper copy at hand for you.
  2. Donate to the PPLA and join us in our efforts to keep medication information on paper.


Learn more about the issues we prioritize here.

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